
Tuesday 15 April 2014


     Jesus carried the cross on  Old City of Jerusalem, held to be the path that Jesus walked, carrying his cross, on the way to his crucifixion. The Via Dolorosa (Latin,"Way of Grief", "Way of Sorrows", "Way of Suffering" or simply "Painful Way") is a street.

     How was Jesus did that gain of pain with his Divine Mercyfull face? So we Just stay here for some truthful message.

                                                        "GOD REVEALS TRUTH"
     The Shroud of Turin is the cloth that Jesus was wrapped in when He was burried in the tomb. When Jesus arose from the dead the cloth was left as if the body was still there, read John 20:5-7. Not only does the Shroud of Turin still exist, but it reveals an amazing & detailed impression of the body of Jesus Christ!

     If you compare the face of Jesus on the Shroud of Turin to the face on the Christ Pantocrator icon in St. Catherine's Monastery, are you ready.........there are over 240 "points of similarity"!!

 Scholars have said to actually look at a picture and then be able to paint it as exact as this would nearly be impossible, especially in the 6th & 7th centuries.

 The artist of the Christ Pantocrator I'm sure did not have the Shroud of Turin to go by when he painted the icon of Jesus. If the the Shroud of Turin is  authentic, this would make the Christ Pantocrator icon the most accurate image of the "Real Face Of JESUS CHRIST". 

There are, however, some images which have been claimed to realistically show how Jesus looked.

One early tradition, recorded by Eusebius of Caesarea(also called Eusebius of Caesarea and Eusebius Pamphili) was a Roman historian He became the Bishop of Early centers of Caesarea about the year 314 A.D),

 says that Jesus once washed his face with water and then dried it with a cloth, leaving an image of his face imprinted on the cloth. This was sent by him to King Abgarus of Edessa,

     who had sent a messenger asking Jesus to come and heal him of his disease. This image, called the Mandylion or Image of Edessa, appears in history in around 525. Numerous replicas of this " image not made by human hands" remain in circulation. There are also icon compositions of Jesus and Mary that are traditionally believed by many Orthodox to have originated in paintings by Luke the Evangelist.

 Christian tradition states that he was the first icon painter, although in the Early Middle Ages he was thought to have been only one of several New Testament figures who practiced as an artist. He is said to have painted pictures of the Virgin Mary and Child, in particular the Hodegetria image in Constantinople (now lost). The total number of icons claiming to have been painted by Luke is said to have reached 600 during the Middle Ages, including for example, the Black Madonna of CzÄ™stochowa and Our Lady of Vladimir. He was also said to have painted Saints Peter and Paul, and to have illustrated a gospel book with a full cycle of miniatures.

Late medieval Guilds of St Luke in the cities of Late Medieval Europe, especially Flanders, or the "Accademia di San Luca" (Academy of St. Luke) in Rome—imitated in many other European cities during the 16th century—gathered together and protected painters. The tradition that Luke painted icons of Mary and Jesus has been common, particularly in Eastern Orthodoxy.

     Now uses the image of the face on the shroud as it appeared in the negative of the photograph taken by amateur photographer Secondo Pia in 1898.The image cannot be clearly seen on the shroud itself with the naked eye, and it surprised Pia to the extent that he said he almost dropped and broke the photographic plate when he first saw the developed negative image on it in the evening of 28 May 1898.
Before 1898, devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus used an image based on the Veil of Veronica, where legend recounts that Veronica from Jerusalem encountered Jesus along the Via Dolorosa on the way to Calvary. When she paused to wipe the sweat from Jesus's face with her veil, the image was imprinted on the cloth.

A very popular 20th century depiction among Roman Catholics is the Divine Mercy image, following its approval by Pope John Paul II in April 2000. Faustina wrote in her diary that that Jesus appeared to her and asked her to "Paint an image according to the pattern you see".

Saturday 14 September 2013

❤❤❤▉▉■■ADROIT13 (symposium)■■▉▉❤❤❤

                                                                       we Are Enjoyed a lot in our PG Life in FX Eng Colg, And got some new relationship with Joy,,. this image clickd @ 13.9.13. way of life taught some lessn of us,, every one hold some incidnt and go ahed to te  Feature,,,, thz snap always shown sme reasonabl memorz,,,,

with ma favrbl bro's...nd bst frndz also....i have thz frndz in ma 1st yr whn tat tme of loneliness...

Friday 30 August 2013

Noah's Ark?

"And the Ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.
And the waters decreased continually until the  tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen."                                                 ...Genesis 8:4-5
" upon the mountains of Ararat."  Many explorers have looked on Mt. Ararat for the remains of Noah's Ark.  The Bible however,  does not say that Noah's Ark landed on Mt. Ararat.  It says that the Ark landed upon the mountains of Ararat. (mountains plural)  An examination of the Hebrew manuscripts of Genesis reveals that actual wordage is that Noah's Ark landed upon the mountains of Urartu. (The whole mountainous region in far eastern Turkey.

                                                            Drogue Anchor Stone 

Ron finds large stones, identical in design to smaller drogue anchor stones. 

Ron Wyatt, Dave Fassold and John Baumgardner surveyed the site with metal detectors and located a specimen which had the appearance of "wrought iron."
It was reported by Dave Fassold that the semi -quantitative analysis of the iron samples, which was arranged by John Baumgardner, found them to contain from 60 percent to 91.84 percent FE2O3.

Subsurface radar scans were performed at the site revealing a boat shaped structure below the surface.



Wednesday 28 August 2013


"the real MERMAID"
mermaid is a legendary aquatic creature with the upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish.[1] Mermaids appear in the folklore of many cultures worldwide, including the Near East, Europe, Africa and Asia. The first stories appeared in ancient Assyria, in which the goddess Atargatistransformed herself into a mermaid out of shame for accidentally killing her human lover. Mermaids are sometimes associated with perilous events such as floods, storms, shipwrecks and drownings. In other folk traditions (or sometimes within the same tradition), they can be benevolent or beneficent, bestowing boons or falling in love with humans.
Mermaids are associated with the mythological Greek sirens as well as with sirenia, a biological order comprising dugongs and manatees. Some of the historical sightings by sailors may have been misunderstood encounters with these aquatic mammals. Christopher Columbus reported seeing mermaids while exploring the Caribbean, and sightings have been reported in the 20th and 21st centuries in Canada, Israel and Zimbabwe. The U.S.National Ocean Service stated in 2012 that no evidence of mermaids has ever been found.
Mermaids have been a popular subject of art and literature in recent centuries, such as in Hans Christian Andersen's well-known fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" (1836). They have subsequently been depicted in operas, paintings, books, films and comics.


Saturday 10 August 2013

MATLAB training Program

MATLAB training Program

Design of
soft Computing Models Using
Artificial Neural
      SCS Solution
      9-11 Aug 2@13 at Hotel RR Inn, Tirunelveli.

Snap took @ Lab,
Outer of our Shelter,
Infront of Hotel RR Inn,

Sunday 26 May 2013

                                                                       Our UG mate Ferdin Marriage function, yah thtz unforgtabl momnt bcz its lke as togthr!

                                                                       cute nd nce moment! do u knw abt groom! he sat beside me in our College time, he fought with me and force to  punch my let hand arm,,,, bt nw he is HERO of thz marg fn and silently sat on the stage with bride!!  and some memoryz of fights hold myself thtz al r cute fight!

                                                                      His mum and dad treat me  as a frnd, we are al submt gold ring with NFB shield to his Marg functn, bcz of our love!!! i dnt had any wordz to xpln our relatnshp,,,,,